This is an image generated using a website called It's pretty interesting too, because the owner of the site does talk about copyright infringement - but not of him violating the creator's rights - no, it was of people ripping off his creations. However, the website is free, and supposedly does not generate revenue, so that may be how he gets around it. It's a fun little activity, but of no use that I can tell. No- I don't have ice blue hair, but it would be wicked if I did.
One of the other ones, ToonDoo, does have its uses for me. I teach an anime class every summer at my library - my degree is in animation - and I think this would be the perfect tool to help expand the class a bit. Kids could learn how to set up a comic strip without having to worry about drawing ability. It could teach them punchlines and planning - and then when they wanted to start drawing their own comics, it would be an easier transition! Plus it could be an eye-catching way for us to advertise upcoming teen events.

[This is based on an actual phone conversation I had at the library - well, the first two frames anyway - the third is what I really wanted to say. Btw - you can click the image to see it full-sized (I know it's a little hard to read this way).]
This last image generator I found

With such a variety of generators, I'm sure we could use them for adverts for any number for programs. They could be fun activities for our teen users too - we could have them go to the website, generate an image, and then post it onto an open blog...hmm... I can see some possibilities.
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Clive Goodinson
Creator of Pixton - Interactive Web Comics