Delicious pretty much rocks my world. OMG! When Delicious gave me a little smile as I passed him in the hall, I almost fainted! And when he passed me that note in Algebra? *sigh* Wait - Delicious is waaay too organized to be a guy - which now raises a lot of questions about myself. OK seriously- I have to admit, I did not go on NEFLIN's Delicious account and wander around the site first - what can I say? I'm a dive right in kinda girl. However after doing so, I have to say this may be the most useful Thing so far.
But before I continue to gush over Delicious, let me talk a little about tagging in general. I've been tagging my posts for some time now - here and my other blogs, and I really like it. For example - my friend Jane has a blog, and she uses tags, so when I wanted to show my sister some of the pics of the ridiculous tshirts over in Korea, I just had to click on her tag for "Konglish", and found it pretty easily. (Konglish being Korea's form of English, which is pretty badly butchered sometimes. It's hilarious!).
I have also tagged all my Flickr photos and have used the tag search there as well. I was at the FLYP workshop in Tallahassee last week, when they showed us another site that uses Flickr's tags - Tag Galaxy. You type in a tag search, and it creates a little galaxy of related search terms around your central "tag planet". You can click these other planets to refine your search, and when you're satisfied, click the center planet, and it pulls all these pics from Flickr that are tagged with those terms, and makes this sphere of pictures that you can rotate and look through. If you see one you like, you can click it and be taken to the page on Flickr. Very cool site - especially since it gives you terms to refine your search, instead of having to think of them yourself.
OK - back to Delicious. *twirling hair* I heard Delicious still doesn't have a prom date. I wonder if he'll ask me - tee hee! Sorry. Jokes aside, I really do love this site. I just changed job titles, and as part of my new job, I'm trying to come up with cool programs for teens. So I'm doing a lot of research online, but the problem is, there's only one computer in the children's department! As a result, I've been using my laptop at work the last few days - which is not hooked up on the network or to a printer or anything. Thankfully with this site I can save all my bookmarks online - so if I need to print out a template for a craft, I can go to any computer and pull it up without having to find the original site again! PLUS using the tag search has pulled up a lot of similar sites and has saved me a lot of trouble searching online.
1 month ago
Thanks. I needed to hear exactly what you had to say.