I got the job!!!
Ok - I need to backtrack. Ever since I started working at this library (which was 4 years, 6 months, and 4 days ago - but who's counting?), I have wanted a job over in the children's department. The problem was (aside from all the positions being filled), that it was part time and had no health insurance benefits. Boo. I loved the people who did it though, and since Bev has known me for - let's see- 14 or 15 years now (and I have a BFA), she let me help out with some of the artsy stuff that needed doing.
Tammy left - she had just had a baby, and then her husband got transferred. I thought "Here's my chance!", but the position stayed just part time and someone else was hired. Jenneffer was pregnant when she was hired, had the baby, then her boyfriend got transferred, and she left. See a pattern? They were both effervescent, lovely, bubbly people - but the timing with job/life was just really bad.
Again, the position stayed part time, but they allowed me to help out during the summer. They did 2 sets of interviews and ended up with nada - during which time I started doing storytimes at local daycares - basically working about 12 hrs in children's and the rest at all the other desks. Finally, they decided to make the position full time - turning a Library Assistant 1 into a pt, and making the other ft (basically what I was already doing, but maybe adding more hours in the children's section). However, they couldn't make it an in-house hire, so I had to apply and interview along with everyone else. 54 people applied! They did only 6 interviews, and I gave it everything I had. I just found out today that I got it! And our director said I did really great in the interview!!!
I am so pumped right now - even if I am sick.
1 month ago
Congratulations, Stephanie!