I don't think staying current is a problem I have - yet. I'm only 27, so I'm still right there in the midst of most of this technology, but I have to admit I did learn a few things from this experience.
1. I found out what an RSS feed was! I had heard of them, and could probably hazard a guess at a definition if forced to, but now I actually know and have one. I don't really read or use it a whole lot, but it's there.
2. Flickr! I had a Photobucket account, so I was no stranger to online photo sharing, but because of Flickr I now have 3 (yes 3, they sent me an email about the other yesterday) pictures shortlisted to appear in a publication!
3. I have to mention Delicious! I don't know why I did not know about this site, but it is fantastic, and I'm so glad I found out! Now there isn't the frustration of not being able to pull up my bookmarks on a friend's computer!
4. Twitter! Its my new obsession and favorite place for celebrity stalking - er, mini-blogging.
Lifehacker seems a pretty good site for keeping up with things, and I like to read technology news on BBC or Wired magazine. I also work with the middle and high school students at my church, so if I'm ever feeling out of the loop, I'm sure I can ask some of them and they'll fill me in. Am I glad I did this? You bet! I can't wait to share some of these tools with patrons, coworkers, and other people!
1 month ago
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