My interest/obsession with things comes on strong, and then fizzles out shortly, so these topic-themed networks are a blessing and a curse. They're great at first, but then I get sick of them and abandon them altogether. I used to belong to two sites/forums (which I'm counting under this category). One was for comedian Gary Gulman, the other for vampire Don Henrie. (It was a phase - well, one that I came back to - long story - let's just say I'm weird.) The problem with these forums is (and with a lot of these Things) that they take an investment of time, and I have a life. I would start out contributing to the forums regularly, but once you fall behind - you miss a day or two - there are suddenly 100 new posts, and it's almost impossible to catch back up.
Gather seems interesting. I was really excited when the article mentioned one of the publishers doing a short story contest, then I looked at the date - 2005. Thanks. That's not to say they don't still do it periodically. I guess I just have to check out the site more.
Flixster is on Facebook, but I don't use it much. I did the rating thing that compares your taste to your friends', and I've taken some quizzes, but I have to be REALLY bored to do it.
Other than WebJunction (which at least seems somewhat useful), I'm going to have to pass on other social networks.
1 month ago
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