An odd title for a blog post, no? Though somewhat appropriate for a library worker, since it makes me think of The Cat in the Hat. So why the title?
Well, I was informed that I would be participating in NEFLIN'S 23 Things project that they are doing. NEFLIN stands for Northeast Florida Library Information Network - in case there are any people who happen to stumble upon this and go "Wtf, mate?" (because of course you will all be Australian) or in case you are one of my poor friends that I force to read this blog. The project is to get librarians more informed about new technologies and how to use them for the library.
Can you guess what thing 1 is? It's this blog! I am already well-versed on blog writing (and some of the other upcoming things as well), but what the hey! I like writing blogs, and need an excuse to get back into the habit of writing. Besides, it's an excuse to shamelessly show off my awesome YA displays and techno-skills. Plus, I get to work on this while at work, so it's not really going to eat into my personal time - unless I want it to.
Hmmm - but maybe you'd like to get to know me a bit, eh? I am a library assistant 2, and pretty much do a little of everything at my little public library. Reference, ILL, circulation, children's programs - you name it, I do it - even cataloging (well, in theory - I've had some training, no actual practice yet). My biggest hope right now is to get a position doing children's full-time, and am currently holding my breath waiting for a call about an interview. In my free time I do community theater, sing, paint, and run the youth group at my church. I have a BFA in art and the library I work at lets me use my talent a bit. That's enough for now I suppose - stay tuned for an upcoming blog on Thing 2.
1 month ago
I need to turn my comments notification on - I only just saw your comment. Argh. So many things to remember!