I was a bit non-plussed at the start of the assignment for this thing. I really didn't find it all that time-consuming to check the sites that I read everyday. That may be a bit misleading though, because I really don't get to check them everyday. See, I have dial-up at home - it's shocking and almost inhumane - I know, but I kinda live out in the country and can't get DSL yet. One of my coworkers however, who lives just 2 miles down the road from me can AND has a wireless network set up in her house! Jealous? You bet I am! *Ahem* That was a bit off subject. The point is though, that because I don't get to check a lot of the blogs and sites that I read everyday, there's usually some sort of update when I finally do get around to reading them. So I never thought I was really wasting time going to all the different sites. Besides, I am a visual person and really like the graphics on the websites I visit.
That being said, I am a bit more impressed with Google Reader and the whole RSS thing than I had originally thought I would. It is rather handy to have all the updates there in one spot. I have decided that maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to have BBC News on the feed. I have about 150 updates on my reading list from that site alone, and it's a bit daunting to scan through. The plus side is that maybe I see interesting headlines that I wouldn't have normally read if I were left to surf the site on my own. Humans are creatures of habit, and I certainly have mine. When I go to BBC I look at the Day In Pictures, Entertainment, Health, and Science sections, maybe glance at some football scores, and peruse the front page - that's it. Those things are certainly what catch my eye first, but now I look at some of the others, and will hopefully be more informed about the goings-on of the world.
My next step is to see about setting up one of those RSS icons on this blog and my other. Blogger does have a cool feature where you can follow blogs and have updates sent to your dashboard, but you have to be signed up for one of their accounts to use it.
1 month ago